Sabado 13 de Febrero
Bambalam Cafe
De 18:00 a 21:00
C/ de la Villa 3
Metro La Latina
Elastico - Sala Moon
De 01:00 a 06:00
C/ Aduana 21
Metro Gran Via
A los platos:
Endika M.G.U.Club (Elizondo - NA)
Noel Colombier - Jette La Pierre (AZ)
Stella - L'idole Des Jaunes (RCA Victor)
Delphine - La Fermeture Eclair (DECCA)
Le Coeur - Bye-Bye City (Barclay)
Danyel Gerard - Sexologie (CBS)
Borja On The Run (Gijon - AS)
Porgy & the Monarchs - That Girl (Musicor)
Don Ray - Born A Lose (RCA-Victor)
Della Reese - A clock that's no hands (RCA-Victor)
The Channels - I've got my eyes on you (Groove)
Don Hosea - Misery (Rita)
Mocky Dimples (Leon)
Big Maybelle - I've got a feeling - Okeh 45
JT Parker - If you want to hold on - Academy 45
Johnny Watson - I say I love you - King 45
Prince Conley - I'm going home - Satellite 45
Tommy McCook - Goldfinger - Treasure Isle 45
Alvaro Dimples (Leon)
Perry & the Harmonics - Do the monkey with James - Mercury 45
Pete Rodriguez - Oh that's nice (Pt. 1) - Alegre 45
Sonny Knight Quartet - The groove is on - Celebrity 45
Arthur Sterling - Ain't that right - Verve 45
Joe Thomas & Bill Elliott - Speak your piece - Symbol 45
Andrea Lembo (Teramo - IT)
Marv Johnson – With All Thats In Me (U. A.)
Don Hosea – Misery (Rita)
Val Martinez – Payday (Rca)
Victor Knight – Chinatown (Ron Cris)
Mavis Rivers – Footsteps Of A Fool (Reprise)